Have you ever heard of someone that hated pizza? If, yes –unfriend them immediately (sorry… not sorry). Pizza is delicious because it offers everything good in one slice – cheeeeeeese, crunch, yummy toppings and it certainly sparkles the belly with feelings of satisfaction. 
Not that the original pizza slice needs improving on; it’s just that Sparkle Ellie Recipes have a tendency to be partial to bitesize balls. So, naturally, pizza balls would rear its cheesy head at some stage.
These balls can be completely adapted to your taste and cravings. So, see the filling ingredients as a guideline and not anything to be set in stone. In fact, it’s probably a great idea to “clear” your fridge by making these yummy balls. The coatings can also be changed, adapted or left off – if you prefer things simple. And although the recipe includes dough made from a scratch (which is super simple to make) – you can totally go to your local supermarket and ask them for dough. Whatever you do – have fun while doing it.
Dough Ingredients:
1 ½ Cups of Warm Water
2 x 7g Instant Yeast
2 Tsps. Granulated Sugar
¼ Cup of Extra Virgin Olive Oil (Plus More to Cover Dough)
1 Tsp. Salt
4 Cups of All-Purpose Flour
Rest of the Ball Ingredients:
Mozzarella, Cubed
Cheddar Cheese, Half Cubed/Half Grated
Parmesan, Grated
Viennas, Sliced
¼ Cup of Balsamic Vinegar
2 Tbsps. of Honey
6 Cloves of Garlic, Crushed
Butter for Frying
1 Cup of Rice Krispies
2 Slices of Stale Bread/Bread Crumbs
1 Free Range Egg
Salt and Pepper, For Seasoning
Italian Dried Herbs/Mixed Herbs
Chives, Basil, Chilli Flakes, Cream Cheese, More Cheese, Chutney, Hot Sauce (Optional)
#1 Pour the warm water in a large mixing bowl; add the instant yeast; allow it to stand.
#2 Once foamy (between 5 – 20 minutes), you can move onto the next step.
#3 Add in the sugar, oil and salt and mix through.
#4 Now add the flour and mix either with a dough-hook attachment on a stand mixer or by hand until the dough comes together.
#5 Add a dash of olive oil to the dough and coat the dough mixture in it.
#6 Cover the “dough” bowl with clingfilm and place it in the oven with the light on for about an hour (make sure the oven is off; just the light should be on).
#7 After the mixture has at least doubled in size your dough is ready.
While the dough is doing its thing and rising to the occasion, you can start the stuffing and coatings.
#1 Finely chop the garlic (or use a garlic press). Depending on your love for garlic you need about six cloves – plus-minus. Add this to a pan with a tablespoon of butter and lightly fry until golden. Then set aside to cool.
#2 Chop viennas into “wheels”; add some oil to a saucepan and tip the “wheels” into it, with a ¼ cup of balsamic vinegar, two teaspoons of chilli flakes (optional) and two tablespoons of honey; fry ’dem sausages so that they are caramelised and sticky. Set aside to cool.
#3 Grate or blitz one onion; add it to some olive oil or butter and two tablespoons of chutney (more or less to taste) in a pan; fry until cooked through. Set aside to chill.
#4 Chop a full block of mozzarella into cubes; cut half of the block of cheddar in cubes and grate the rest.
#5 Add the grated cheddar cheese with a cup of Rice Krispies and add Italian Herbs/Mixed Herbs.
#6 Blitz two slices of stale bread to make crumbs or use bought bread crumbs; grate some Parmesan in; enough so that the ratio is balanced.
#1 Once the dough has risen, it’s best to make a station for yourself: dough in its bowl, stuffing, coatings, one egg whisked (in a separate bowl) and an oven tray with the baking paper/silicone mat.
#2 Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius.
#3 Break off a small piece of dough and roll it in a ball; then slowly stretch the dough as flat as can be without tearing.

#4 Take the stuffing of choice and add a generous amount.
#5 Fold the dough over the stuffing and roll back into a ball as far as possible.
#6 Pop the ball into the whisked egg.
#7 Pop the ball in the desired coating – the Parmesan-bread coating or the Rice Krispie-cheddar coating and then pop into the tray. Do this until all the dough is finished.
#8 You can pop “markers” on the different balls (as seen in the above photo) so that you know what’s inside from looking on the outside. Examples: chives on the one, chilli flakes on the other and then just plain (but you can really get creative).
#9 Pop the tray in the middle rack of the oven and bake for 15 to 20 minutes. Once the dough is cooked, remove from the pan.
#10 Add cream cheese, more cheese (you can never have enough cheese), chutney, chilli/hot sauce or aubergine dip; season to taste and enjoy by yourself.
PS. Enjoy them while they are still hot. If they cool down, pop them in the microwave.
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It’s a massive Sparkle Ellie dream to make South Africa a better place and to bring light, laughter and a bit of whimsy into this crazy-beautiful country. AND importantly, a bit of light, laughter and a bit of whimsy onto the people of South Africa’s Social Media feeds. That’s why Sparkle Belly Corner, Sparkle Paws and Glitter Trails and Oh, My Sparkle Sections of Sparkle Ellie try to bring light-hearted or uplifting content to the online world. Thank you for taking the time to read this blog. Please feel free to like, follow, subscribe to Sparkle Ellie and to share this post on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter etc.
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