Healthy-ish Egg Mag (Magnificent) Muffins are the answer to a lazy and yummy breakfast option that is as healthy as you choose to make ’em. I have given three – to four options below but customise these and make them your own. If you are trying to count the calories, up the veggies, choose the low-fat or slimmer’s cheeses and take it easy on the fatty meats. These Egg Mag’ Muffins freeze really well too – so make millions and freeze for the month! Whatever you do – have fun with it.
And one final tip before we dive in – use cupcake casings instead of just greasing the pan – it’s so much easier to pop out and enjoy.

#1) Place the mielie/mielies in the microwave for about four minutes (the sheath on top covering the mielie). After this is done, set aside to cool and then cut-off the mielies from the cobb.
#2) Prepare all the ingredients you would like to use by slicing and dicing them all up.

#3) Fry off the bacon, chorizo and mushrooms the way you usually would (or add a bit of honey and cayenne for a Sparkle Ellie kick and caramel). Once cooked through allow to cool.
#4) Crack and beat the 12 eggs into a large mixing bowl. Now, add the rest of the standard batch ingredients (½ Tsp of Himalayan Salt, 4 Tbsps. of Diced Chives, ¼ Tsp. of Garlic Powder, 1 Cup of Grated Cheddar Cheese, 1 Round of Crumbled Feta, Pepper to Taste).
#5) And personalise the batch with whatever ingredients. Sparkle Ellie suggestions – Option 1: Cheddar, Corn and Chorizo. Option 2: Carmelised Bacon, Pepper and Shroom. Option 3: Two Peppers, Honey Mushroom and Cayenne. Option 4: Feta.
Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4
#6) Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius. Pour your mix into a greased muffin tin, or cupcake casings (recommended) in a muffin tin. Fill each casing or section only half full (it’s a bit too full in the pics… as in double what it should be).
#7) Bake for 20- 25 minutes or until cooked through.

And enjoy!

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